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If your Christian school is looking for a challenge for your talented math students, then the Kangourou? competition is the right choice. In the following passage, you will read the introductory text of the British Kangourou? page. All the best, Shalom! Here you can find all the nations who are attending this annual completion. All th [..]

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Fun to Learn, Easy to Teach, and Research-Based Lessons Supported by music and videos, take-home activities, and relevant stories, the developmentally appropriate Second Step lessons have helped teachers instill social-emotional skills in their students for over 20 years. Best of all, the student lessons are easy to teach, right out of the [..]

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Research-based bullying prevention is taught in the Second Step program. This program is known by teachers and loved by students around the world. If your goal is to set a foundation for social and academic success, I would like to encourage you to teach the Second Step program. You can then build on those fundamentals with the Bullying Preventi [..]

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These days, many families have an unhealthy diet consisting of fast food, irregular meals or even skipping mealtimes due to a rushed schedule. Because of this, it is now more important than ever to teach our students the importance of good nutrition. To prepare your teachers for educating students on this subject, I would like to suggest two gr [..]

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Millions of Christians are dependent on drugs worldwide. Many of these Christian addicts are smokers and see nicotine as an innocent addiction. Today we would like to introduce you to several pages that offer great information for teachers, students and parents. The first platform is:   At this page y [..]